Tweet Widget WP Plugin

High-Quality PLR for Your Growing Business!

You’re About To Learn Just How Easy it is To Embed Amazon S3 Hosted Videos on Your WordPress Website!

tweet widget wp plugin

This “Point and Click” WP Plugin Makes it Super Fast and Easy to Get Your Videos to Show Up On Your Blog Pages and Posts!

Have you been avoiding using video for marketing and product creation because of the lack of choices for hosting and embedding video?

It’s no surprise if you have. Many small business owners mistakenly think there are only two options: YouTube, where everything is public and you’re limited to 15 minutes, or self-hosted, where you have total control and a hefty hosting bill to match.

I’m happy to tell you, now there is a better way to use video on your WordPress site without worrying about privacy issues or bandwidth bills.

Amazon S3 Video Embedding Made Easy

With this inexpensive, easy-to-use WordPress plugin, we’ve solved many of the issues bloggers and small business owners just like you have been facing. Now you can:

  • Host your videos inexpensively on Amazon’s powerful server network and never worry about bandwidth or outages again.
  • Protect your valuable content from theft.
  • Embed your Amazon-hosted video quickly and easily using a familiar point-and-click interface.
  • Choose your video format – Because this plugin is built using Flowplayer, a variety of formats are supported, including flash and MP4.

This plugin even comes with its own user manual, so you’ll quickly discover how to:

  • Install and configure it to work with your site and your Amazon server.
  • Configure your Amazon settings to prevent bandwidth and content theft while still allowing legitimate viewers to enjoy your videos.
  • Embed a video on any post or page in just seconds.

Price: $3.95
Product Type: WordPress Plugins
License: Personal Use Rights
Date Added: November 21, 2012
File Size: 0.62MB
Category: WP Plugins

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