Social Media Blitz – Video with Master Resell Rights

High-Quality PLR for Your Growing Business!

Google Is Dying and Your Online Business is About To Die With It!

The LIVE stats above reveal the shocking truth – FaceBook is now BIGGER than Google, and there’s absolutely nothing almighty Google can do about it!

social media blitz
Independent studies reveal that FaceBook, Twitter and other social media services will completely replace Google as the main source of web traffic in the near future..

With the “Social Media Blitz” package, we’re prepared to guide you step-by-step in getting started with social media. Even if you’re already using social media, you will still learn a thing or two from our video tutorials.

For your reference, Modules from SOCIAL MEDIA BLITZ video course include:

1. Introduction to Using FriendFeed

2. Overview of FriendFeed Functions

3. Google Buzz – Introduction and Overview

4. Google Buzz – Customizing Your Buzz Profile

5. Twitter: Introduction to Using Twitter

6. Twitter: Inserting Short Links Into Posts

7. Twitter: Creating Lists and Organizing Followers

8. Twitter: Using The “Retweet” Feature

9. Introduction to Using Tweet Deck

10. Customizing Your Tweet Deck Aplication

11. Integrating WordPress with FaceBook

12. Creating Your Own FaceBook App for WordPress

13. Adding a “Like” Button on Your Blog

14. Adding a “Fan Box” FaceBook Widget on Your Blog

15. Customizing Your FaceBook Application

16. Promoting Your FaceBook Application

17. TweetMeme: Introduction to Tweetmeme

18. TweetMeme: Integrating Tweetmeme with WordPress

19. Meebo: Introduction to Using Meebo

20. Meebo: Integrating Meebo with WordPress

Price: $4.95
Product Type: Videos
License: Master Resale Rights
Date Added: March 18, 2013
File Size: 216MB
Category: Social Media Marketing

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