Soccer Fanatics – Master Resell Rights eBook

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The extremist guide to winning the soccer game! Get All The Support And Guidance You Need To Be A Success At Soccer!

soccer fanatics

Simply put, soccer involves a game of 22 players running around with one football while trying to score as many goals as possible. This is a game which has been able to cause quite a stir and excitement all over the world.

Previously played mainly by men, the women are now taking a serious interest in the game, thus further elevating its popularity.

Basically the games are played on a field, which is also called a pitch, with two separate 45 minute time lines. The break in-between these two segments, is usually used for regrouping purposes and redefining strategies.

Typically a field would measure in 100 yards long and about 50 yards wide, although there are some fields that are a little bigger.

The goal post area is about 8 yards long and 8 feet high, and the ball must completely cross the line between the posts before it can be declared a goal scored. In this area, if there are any fouls committed, then attacking team is given a penalty shot with only the goal keeper defending the attempt.

Simply put, soccer involves a game of 22 players running around with one football while trying to score as many goals as possible. This is a game which has been able to cause quite a stir and excitement all over the world.

Previously played mainly by men, the women are now taking a serious interest in the game, thus further elevating its popularity. Get all the info you need here.

In This Book, You Will Learn:

  • Basic knowledge any soccer player should know
  • Wearing the right outfit and gear for soccer
  • How the soccer game works
  • Excellent moves you can do with your feet
  • Art of passing the ball perfectly
  • And so much more!

Price: $4.95
Product Type: eBooks
License: Master Resale Rights
Date Added: August 18, 2014
File Size: 2.3MB
Category: Recreation and Sports

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