Planning for Death – Private Label Rights eBook

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A Practical Guide To Planning For Your Death. Steps To Clarifying Your Wishes!

planning death

The last thing most of us ever want to think about is our own death. But the fact is it comes to us all, and sometimes sooner than expected.

Everyone dies with a to-do list, but if making your end of life plans is on that list, it can cause chaos for your loved ones. However, this chaos can be avoided easily if you face facts and deal with your end of life considerations now, in a practical way, rather than then in an emotional and crisis-driven way.

There are several basic aspects to planning for your death that include what your wishes are in relation to your health care, memorial arrangements and what is to be done with your body.

The other major considerations are to do with family finances. Who will be in charge of your estate – that is, what you leave behind of value?

How will your family be looked after once you are gone? How can your estate be protected from excessive taxation?

Price: $4.95
Product Type: eBooks
License: Private Label Rights
Date Added: May 15, 2017
File Size: 12.5MB
Category: Life

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