Love’s Break Up – eBook with Master Resell Rights

Have you just had your heart broken? Does your partner act like he or she doesn’t love you anymore?

Do you feel like you’re the only one trying? Are you and your partner constantly at war with one another?

love break up

Is there any love left to salvage?

If you’ve picked up this book then either you fear your relationship is about to end or one of you has already called it quits. Despite which circumstance it may be, you are in the midst of a relationship transition.

One of two things needs to happen… either you can get your love back or… accept you’re just not meant to be together at this time.

I’m the first to admit that not every relationship ends because of incompatibility.

Sometimes there’s still plenty of love between two people but the timing is just not right. Often it’s because the people involved assume love is enough when things such as the ability to communicate efficiently or willingness to compromise are what is killing the relationship.

Whether you want to admit it or not you’re at a crossroads and you will soon need to decide which path you’re headed towards.

Find out how to stop your break up, bring back lost love and re-capture the passion in this unique and valuable e-book.


  • What a man desires from a woman.
  • What a woman needs from a man.
  • Finding out what you want and desire in a relationship.
  • 10 mistakes to avoid if you want your love back.
  • The Get Your Love Back Plan.
  • How to attract Mr. or Mrs. Right.
  • And much more!

Price: $2.95
Product Type: eBooks
License: Master Resale Rights
Date Added: June 1, 2012
File Size: 0.5MB
Category: Love

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