Interstitial Ads Rotator

Make Your Traffic Work For You! Turn Any Website Into A Cash Cow By Pushing Ads, Subscription Offers, Trials, Etc With The Interstitial Ads Rotator Software!

interstitial ads rotator

What Do Interstitial Ads Do? They are ads that you show on your own websites in between pages.

So if someone opts into your list, you can show this type of ad. If they clickgthrough on a certain page of your site, you can show this type of ad.

This presents a whole new opportunity to affiliates who don’t feel like building their own funnels.

If you’re smart, you’ll also use a countdown timer with it to create a sense of urgency!

If forces people to see any ad you want before they get to the download or the page they’re heading to.

It’s Extremely Powerful!

Price: $3.95
Product Type: Software
License: Personal Use Rights
Date Added: October 16, 2013
File Size: 2.7MB
Category: Software and Applications

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