Free Yourself From Panic Attacks Resale Rights

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If you’ve ever wondered the power of our minds over our bodies, then a panic attack is an excellent illustration of how powerful our thinking is over the mechanics of our bodies.

free yourself panic attacks

There are a range of physical symptoms our mind can generate around our bodies. As everyone is different, you may not experience all of these to experience a full panic attack. However if you experience several of these together, it is likely you are having a panic attack.

  • A feeling of lightheadness or dizziness. This is often at the beginning of the attack. You can feel a little like you’ve had a few glasses too much to drink, or a sense the room is shifting a little around you. There maybe a rushing sound in your ears, as the blood moves away from your brain, causing you to feel like you may faint.
  • Difficulty in breathing. Your throat feels as if it has a large lump in it, and it hurts to swallow. Your chest tightens and constricts and it’s difficult to take deep slow breaths. If feels a little like you’ve just been sprinting for a few kilometers and you need to catch your breath.
  • Your heart rate increases. Your pulse becomes faster and fluttery and sometimes a little uneven. Your heart is thumping against your chest and you are unable to slow it even if you are sitting still.
  • Hot flushes. Your face feels flushed and it feels almost as if you have a high temperature. You can also feel nauseous, as if you are trying to fight off an infection…

Many people confuse the sense of panic with having a heart attack. The sensation can feel almost the same. Due to this it is a very good idea to seek out professional attention to ensure there is not a physical reason for your attack.

Price: $2.95
Product Type: eBooks
License: Resale Rights
Date Added: July 1, 2013
File Size: 0.39MB
Category: Emotions and Mood Disorders

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