Disconnect to Reconnect – Master Resale Rights Video

Disconnect to Reconnect” is the ultimate guide to free yourself from all the unnecessary distractions and noise of the online world and get your life, and focus, back on track.

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This powerful guide is made up of tried and proven techniques you can use to get rid of all social media addiction and finally get your life back on track.

You’ll discover ways that have been used by some of the most productive people in the world to increase their productivity and get things done in a shorter time.

Topics covered:

  • What Is Digital Detox?
  • The Negative Impact Of Media Addiction
  • How Social Media Addiction Affects Your Psychological Health.
  • What Research Says About Social Media Addiction
  • Writings On The Wall: Signs You Need Digital Detox.
  • Benefits of Disconnecting To Reconnect
  • Reconnecting to your true self By Eliminating Media Pressure.
  • Vital Tips To Hack Your Digital Devices Use Addiction

Price: $5.95
Product Type: Videos
License: Master Resale Rights
Date Added: October 14, 2020
File Size: 322MB
Category: Addiction

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